Here are some tips for summer job hunting and a few hints on how to start saving money for college:
- Start mid spring. Don’t wait until school is out – the market will be flooded with students looking for a summer job.
- Start dressing every day as if you have a job interview. Make sure your clothes are clean and pressed. Pull up those pants – the only crack an interviewer wants to see is in the sidewalk. And girls, cover up the girls.
- Then, since you’re dressed – every place you go, take a few minutes, find the manager and ask if they are hiring for the summer. Don’t ask a checker, ask for the manager. If they say they don’t know yet, ask if you can check back in a week – and then DO IT! If they say yes, have the documents you need to fill out an application. Better yet, carry a short resume with you so you have your dates, your references, and past job information handy.
- Tell everyone you are looking for work. Friends can help friends get jobs.
- Be flexible, but be sure you mention if you are taking summer classes and when you would need time for classes. Registration starts early. Get registered for your summer classes asap so you know when you need off.
For saving money for the fall:
This takes discipline and perseverance! But vow to only spend 1/2 your paycheck. Save the other 1/2. Yes, it can be done – here’s some hints:
- Don’t order soda or tea out with your friends – drink water.
- Skip dessert in a restaurant. Have your friends over and everyone bring something to make sundaes.
- If you’re not that hungry, just order an appetizer or a bowl of soup. There’s nothing that says you have to have a full meal every time.
- Don’t drink soda, buy candy or eat popcorn at the movies. You can sit for 2 hours without something. Or – watch a movie at home, invite the friends over and pop your own popcorn! Remember – they are probably trying to save money for college too!
- Use the library to borrow books or movies – they’re free! Libraries have free ebooks you can rent – so check into that.
- Find free or inexpensive things to do – hit the park, swing on the swings, go to the zoo on free or reduced days, feed the ducks. Check out the free days for Art Museum.
- Combine car trips to save on gas. Walk if you can!
Try and set a goal as to how much money you will save for the summer, and figure out how to do it. Then stick to it! If your budget doesn’t allow you to spend that week, then just don’t. Explain to your friends you are saving for college. Maybe you’ll inspire them to do the same!
For more information on money, you might be intersected in Money – Personal Financial Literacy for High School Students.
Hope this helps! Happy job hunting!
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