What is the wisest way to go about building a good credit score? Just because you have a credit card does not mean you are free to charge it to the max. You still have to pay for what you buy, and depending on your interest rate, this could take a long time. For example: Say you spent $150 on a shirt at the store, credit card is 22% interest, $10 month minimum payments – which go down as your balance goes down c20 cialis. $150 x 22% interest – only making minimum payment will take 18 ... continue reading...
Book: Just the Basics Please! Book 1: Money!
Just The Basics Please! Book 1: Money (High School / College) Just The Basics Please! Book 1: Money is the off shoot of my very first book: What WE Should Have Learned in High School About Money, Sex and Marriage (2009). That book was separated, the money book was expanded to include more topics, and the result became this book! This is the book that my students read on campus. It is easy to read, with no big words. I did NOT want my students getting hung up in terminology and missing the ... continue reading...
Book: Bella Buys A Big Blue Bike!
Bella Buys a Big Blue Bike! (Elementary)Bella Buys a Big Blue Bike! is my latest book. This book was written for my granddaughter Bella. I wrote this book thinking of the lessons that children can learn and should be taught at an early age. Bella Buys a Big Blue Bike! is an introduction to financial literacy for elementary age students and exceptional children. Join Bella on her journey from her first ‘want’ of a new bike, through valuable lessons involving money choices, to finally saving ... continue reading...
Book: The Money Maze!
The Money Maze – (Middle School grades 5 – 8) I was compelled to write The Money Maze – Don’t Get Lost in The Middle after I heard the story of Principal Gahn at Whitney Elementary. This extraordinary women was buying her students their prescriptions, their eye glasses, clothes and what ever else the students needed to keep them in school. Las Vegas was hit so hard in the 2007 – 2010 recession that over half of their families were homeless at the time.Watch Full ... continue reading...